Film & Television Studies (FTS)


FTS 1010. Topics In: First-Year Seminar. 3 Credits.

Intensive first-year seminar focused on specific themes and/or disciplinary perspectives. Emphasis on developing critical reading and writing skills, substantive revision, information literacy, and analytical thinking. First-year seminars are frequently organized to meet one of the disciplinary Catamount Core requirements. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Catamount Core: AH1, WIL1.

FTS 1020. Topics In: LASP Writing. 3 Credits.

Intensive course in a broad disciplinary area (humanities, social sciences, arts, or natural sciences). Part of an integrated first-year experience in which students take 2-4 classes exploring aesthetic, humanistic, social, linguistic, environmental, or scientific issues. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Co-requisite: Enrollment in the appropriate Liberal Arts Scholars Program.

FTS 1022. Topics In: LASP: Div Human Exp. 3 Credits.

Intensive course in a broad disciplinary area (humanities, social sciences, arts, or natural sciences). Part of an integrated first-year experience in which students take 2-4 classes exploring aesthetic, humanistic, social, linguistic, environmental, or scientific issues. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Co-requisite: Enrollment in the appropriate Liberal Arts Scholars Program. Catamount Core: AH1, D2.

FTS 1025. Topics In: LASP Seminar. 3 Credits.

Intensive course in a broad disciplinary area (humanities, social sciences, arts, or natural sciences). Part of an integrated first-year experience in which students take 2-4 classes exploring aesthetic, humanistic, social, linguistic, environmental, or scientific issues. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Co-requisite: Enrollment in the appropriate Liberal Arts Scholars Program.

FTS 1300. Topics in The TV Series. 0 or 3 Credits.

Foundational instruction in how to analyze the aesthetic, social and political significance of a television series. Representative topics: Breaking Bad and Masculinity, Twin Peaks and Desire, Wire and Ethics. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Catamount Core: AH1.

FTS 1320. Topics in Film Genres. 0 or 3 Credits.

Foundational instruction in how to analyze the aesthetic, social and political significance of film genre. Representative topics: The Horror Film, The Coming of Age Film, The Superhero Film. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Catamount Core: AH1.

FTS 1400. History of Television. 0 or 3 Credits.

Introduction to basic television history, theory and analysis. An historical overview of television from its invention to the present. Catamount Core: AH1.

FTS 1420. Classical Cinema. 0 or 3 Credits.

Introduction to basic film history, theory, and analytical skills. An historical overview of classical international cinema. Catamount Core: AH1.

FTS 1430. Contemporary Cinema. 0 or 3 Credits.

Introduction to basic film history, theory, and analytical skills. An historical overview of contemporary international cinema. Catamount Core: AH1.

FTS 1600. Topics in Film Festivals. 1-3 Credits.

Investigates the history and business of the evolving role of film festivals for filmmakers, distributors, exhibitors, and audience. Students will study and attend a film festival for experiential observation of the field. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years.

FTS 1990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

FTS 2050. Film/TV Theory. 0 or 3 Credits.

Intensive study of developments in film and/or television theory, such as realism, formalism, psychoanalysis, critical race theory, and feminism. Prerequisite: FTS 1420, FTS 1400, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2060. Topics in Global Cinema. 0 or 3 Credits.

Investigations of nation and identity in film and/or television approached in their specific cultural, historical, and theoretical terms. May be repeated for credit. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430. Catamount Core: GC2.

FTS 2062. Topics in Global Cinema: Cit. 0 or 3 Credits.

Investigations of nation and identity in film and/or television approached in their specific cultural, historical, and theoretical terms. Emphasis on themes appropriate to the Developing Global Citizens requirement. May be repeated for credit. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430. Catamount Core: GC2.

FTS 2064. Topics in Global Cinema: Sust. 0 or 3 Credits.

Investigations of nation and identity in film and/or television approached in their specific cultural, historical, and theoretical terms. Emphasis on themes related to sustainability. May be repeated for credit. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisites: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2400. Topics in Film/TV Theory. 3 Credits.

Advanced study of an area of film and/or television theory, such as psychoanalysis, feminism, historicism, or formalism. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2420. Topics in Film/TV History. 3 Credits.

Intensive focus on various historical movements within film and/or television. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2430. Topics in Doc & Avt Garde Film. 3 Credits.

Explorations into various issues, ideas, and movements within documentary and avant-garde cinema. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2432. Topics in Documentary: Sust. 3 Credits.

Explorations into various issues, ideas, and movements within documentary cinema, with an emphasis on sustainability. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2440. Topics in Contemporary Film/TV. 0 or 3 Credits.

Explorations into various issues, ideas, and movements within contemporary film and/or television. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2450. Topics in Race&Ethn in Film/TV. 0 or 3 Credits.

Exploration of historical, social, and political forces that have shaped the representations of race and ethnicity in film and/or television. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2460. Topics in Holocaust and Film. 0 or 3 Credits.

An investigation of film and media that engages the holocaust in particular and genocide in general. Representative topics: Fascism and the Holocaust, Representations of the Holocaust in Narrative Film. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2600. Topics in Production w/lab. 0 or 4 Credits.

Topics in film and video production with a required lab. Representative topics include: Animation; Producing; Video Essays. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2605. Topics in Production. 3 Credits.

Topics in film and video production. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2650. Production Foundations w/lab. 0 or 4 Credits.

An introduction to techniques and theories of video production with a required lab. Credit not awarded for both FTS 2650 and FTS 2655. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2655. Production Foundations. 3 Credits.

An introduction to techniques and theories of video production. Credit not awarded for both FTS 2655 and FTS 2650. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2670. Topics in Film Theory/Practice. 3 Credits.

Intermediate-level study of media theory and video production. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisites: FTS 2050; FTS 1420, FTS 1400, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2700. Topics In Screenwriting I. 3 Credits.

An investigation of screenwriting practice and a screenwriting workshop. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430.

FTS 2990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

FTS 3600. Topics in Production II w/lab. 0 or 4 Credits.

Topics in film and video production. With laboratory experience. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 2650 or FTS 2655.

FTS 3605. Topics in Production II. 3 Credits.

Topics in film and video production. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 2650 or FTS 2655.

FTS 3700. Topics in Screenwriting II. 3 Credits.

Intermediate topics in screenwriting. Representative topics: writing the thriller, the romantic comedy. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 2700.

FTS 3990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

FTS 3991. Internship. 1-18 Credits.

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Departmental permission required. Offered at department discretion.

FTS 3993. Independent Study. 1-18 Credits.

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Departmental permission required. Offered at department discretion.

FTS 3995. Undergraduate Research. 1-18 Credits.

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Departmental permission required. Offered at department discretion.

FTS 4400. Topics in Film/TV Theory. 3 Credits.

Advanced level investigations into the critical study of film and/or television. May be repeated for credit. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430; FTS 2050.

FTS 4500. Topics In: Senior Seminar. 0 or 3 Credits.

Advanced level investigations into the critical study of film and/or television. May be repeated for credit. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: FTS 1400, FTS 1420, or FTS 1430; FTS 2050.

FTS 4550. Comprehensive Exam. 1 Credit.

Capstone experience for majors culminating in a comprehensive exam. Readings and films will be available throughout the major, and in many cases, will draw from materials encountered in previous classes. Prerequisite: FTS 2050.

FTS 4990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

FTS 4994. Teaching Assistantship. 1-3 Credits.

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory-level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Departmental permission required. Offered at department discretion.

FTS 4996. Honors. 1-6 Credits.

College honors thesis or other department/program honors, under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered at department discretion.