Self-Designed B.S.

All students must meet the Degree and University Requirements.

All students must meet the Catamount Core Curriculum Requirements.

All students must meet the College Requirements.

Undergraduate students have the opportunity to define a personalized program of study when their educational objectives fall outside curricula defined by departments and programs of the college. Each student is asked to formulate their own program of study by working in association with a faculty advisor and the committee of faculty that oversees the major. Designing a major requires examination of personal goals and acquiring information about formal courses and other possible learning experiences (e.g., internships, independent studies, special topics and studies, and undergraduate research). The information is then formulated into a package of proposed course work and other learning experiences.

The objective is to design a unique and coherent plan of study to meet the specific learning needs of the student, by which the student will achieve advanced knowledge, skills, and values in their chosen field. The student must justify the designed package in two ways:

1. value to the student;

2. uniqueness and deviation from curricula already available.

The Self-Designed major usually comprises about 60+ credits of study in the junior and senior years.

The design of the major is itself an intensive learning experience; therefore, students should plan to spend some time each week over the course of one semester designing their major.

MATH 1077 or higher3
STAT 1110 or higher 3
Course credits in CALS numbered 1000 or above20
Course credits in CALS numbered 2000 or above 14
Course credits in CALS numbered 3000 or above6