Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

Information on this page applies to students who matriculated before Fall 2023.

Quantitative Reasoning courses provide undergraduates with instruction and practice in numeracy, symbolic problem-solving, and ways of understanding data visualizations critical for engaging in society.

Special Topics Courses

HCOL 086 / HCOL 1500 - when the topic is Knowledge and the Age of Big Data, or Introduction to Semantics

Permanent Courses

CMPE 2830 Embedded Programming in C 2-3
CS 1080 Intro to Web Site Dev 0,3
CS 1210 Computer Programming I 3
CS 1640 Discrete Structures 3
CS 1870 Intro to Data Science 3
CS 2100 Intermediate Programming 4
CS 2210 Computer Organization 3
CS 2240 Data Struc & Algorithms 3
CS 2250 Computability& Complexity 3
CS 2300 Advanced Programming 3
CS 2450 Web Client Programming 3
CS 2480 Database Design for Web 3
CS 2660 Cybersecurity Principles 3
CS 2830 Embedded Programming in C 2-3
CS 2870 Basics of Data Science 3
CS 3010 Operating Systems 3
CS 3040 Database Systems 3
CS 3050 Software Engineering 3
CS 3060 Evolutionary Robotics 3
CS 3220 Computer Architecture 3
CS 3240 Algorithm Design & Analysis 3
CS 3250 Programming Languages 3
CS 3540 Machine Learning 3
CS 3650 Computer Networks 3
CS 3660 Network Secrty&Cryptography 3
CS 3750 Mobile App Development 3
CS 3870 Data Science I - Pinnacle 3
CS 3880 Statistical Learning 3
ECON 3500 Econometrics 3
ECON 3510 Economic Forecasting 3
ECON 4400 Adv Macroeconomic Theory 3
EDHI 1120 Data Ltrcy to PromoteChange 3
EDSC 2570 Intro to Teaching Math 3
EDSC 3570 Tchg Math in Sec Schls 3
MATH 1012 College Algebra 3
MATH 1034 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 3
MATH 1077 Exploring Modern Mathematics 3
MATH 1088 Numbers for Naturalists 3
MATH 1111 Elementary School Math 3
MATH 1122 Fund Cncpts Elm School Math 3
MATH 1212 Fundamentals of Calculus I 3
MATH 1224 Fundamentals of Calculus II 3
MATH 1234 Calculus I 4
MATH 1242 Transitional Calculus 5
MATH 1248 Calculus II 4
MATH 2055 Fundamentals of Mathematics 3
MATH 2111 Algebra for Educators 3
MATH 2248 Calculus III 4
MATH 2468 Real Anlys in One Variable 3
MATH 2522 Applied Linear Algebra 3
MATH 2544 Linear Algebra 3
MATH 2551 Groups and Rings 3
MATH 2678 Basic Combinatorial Theory 3
MATH 2700 Fndmntls of Financial Math 3
MATH 3201 Adv Engineering Mathematics 3
MATH 3230 Ordinary Diffrntl Equation 3
MATH 3456 Complex Analysis 3
MATH 3468 Anyl in Several Real Vars I 3
MATH 3472 Anyl Several Real Vrbes II 3
MATH 3517 Elementary Number Theory 3
MATH 3551 Abstract Algebra I 3
MATH 3555 Abstract Algebra II 3
MATH 3737 Intro to Numerical Analysis 3
MATH 3766 Chaos,Fractals&Dynmcal Syst 3
MATH 4344 Topology 3
ME 3060 Integrated Product Dev 3
MMG 3310 Survey Bioinformatic Databases 3
MMG 3320 Advanced Bioinformatics 3
PHIL 1400 Introduction to Logic 3
SOC 2300 Population Health Research 3
STAT 1050 Stat & Social Justice 3
STAT 1110 Elements of Statistics 3
STAT 1410 Basic Statistical Methods 1 3
STAT 1870 Intro to Data Science 3
STAT 2430 Statistics for Engineering 3
STAT 2510 Applied Probability 3
STAT 2830 Basic Statistical Methods 2 3
STAT 2870 Basics of Data Science 3
STAT 3000 Med Biostat&Epidemiology 3
STAT 3010 Stat Computing&Data Anlysis 3
STAT 3210 Advanced Statistical Methods 3
STAT 3240 Stats for Qualty&Productvty 3
STAT 3410 Statistical Inference 3
STAT 3870 Data Science I - Pinnacle 3
STAT 3880 Statistical Learning 3