Business Administration (BUS)


BUS 1101. Business Savvy. 3 Credits.

Introduces non-business majors to the fundamentals of accounting, finance, marketing, operations, management, strategy. May be used by Business Administration minors to fulfill three credits of upper-level Business Administration electives. Prerequisites: Non-Business Administration major.

BUS 1102. Prof. Development Series I. 1 Credit.

Seminar series focusing on engagement, career preparedness, and information literacy. Prerequisite: First-Year Business Administration major.

BUS 1110. The Business Enterprise I. 0 or 3 Credits.

This fundamental course provides instruction in how businesses work and what is required to excel and lead in today's work environment. Prerequisite: First-Year Business Administration major. Catamount Core: SU.

BUS 1120. The Business Enterprise II. 3 Credits.

Provides an understanding of what managers do on a daily basis and the issues they face in running a business; including a basic introduction to the functional areas of business and the types of decisions involved. Prerequisite: BUS 1110 with a minimum grade of C-.

BUS 1130. Business Communications. 3 Credits.

Provides a basic understanding of professional business communications. Prerequisite: Business Administration major; First-year/Sophomore standing. Catamount Core: OC.

BUS 1140. Information Technology. 0 or 3 Credits.

An overview of the functional areas of business and the importance of information technology to the success of the organization with coverage of essential communication, problem solving and productivity tools employed in the modern enterprise. Prerequisites: Business Administration major. Catamount Core: QD.

BUS 1190. Personal Finance & Investing. 3 Credits.

Analyze the process for making personal financial decisions; develop personal financial goals in view of an individual's background and emotions related to money, debt, spending habits, risk taking etc.; assess economic factors that influence financial planning.

BUS 1610. Financial Accounting. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the accounting system and generally accepted accounting principles that govern income determination and financial position presentation. Credit not awarded for both BUS 1610 and BUS 1600. Prerequisites: ECON 1400 or ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration, Computer Science & Information Systems, Dietetics, Nutrition & Food Science, Engineering Management major, Business Administration, Accounting minor.

BUS 1990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles. Prerequisite: Minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 1991. Internship. 1-3 Credits.

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion. Prerequisites: Concurrent Internship; Instructor Permission.

BUS 1993. Independent Study. 1-18 Credits.

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

BUS 1995. Undergraduate Research. 1-18 Credits.

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

BUS 2102. Prof. Development Series II. 1 Credit.

Seminar series focusing on engagement, career preparedness and professional development. Prerequisites: BUS 1102; Business Adminstration major; minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 2130. Decision Analysis. 3 Credits.

Introduces the tools and techniques necessary for effective decision-making in business organizations operating in a complex and dynamic environment. Prerequisites: MATH 1212 or MATH 1234 with a minimum grade of C-; STAT 1410 or STAT 2430 with a minimum grade of C-; or PSYS 2002 with a minimum grade of C- and PSYS 2010 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration, Computer Science and Information Systems, and Engineering Management majors; Business Administration Minor; minimum Sophomore standing. Catamount Core: QD.

BUS 2150. Sustainable Bus Strategies. 3 Credits.

Focus on the basics of strategic management to understand business choices and the sustainability of business organizations and their stakeholders. Prerequisites: ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Sophomore standing. Co-requisite: BUS 1610.

BUS 2300. Leadership & Org Behavior. 3 Credits.

How people in organizations think and behave. Focuses on how leadership and motivation affect individuals and teams in the workplace and a global business context. Prerequisites: BUS 1110 or BUS 1120 or ECON 1400 or ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-, or Instructor permission; Business Administration, Computer Science & Information Systems, Engineering Management, Dietetics, Nutrition & Food Sciences major; Business Administration minor, Sports Management minor or Instructor permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2330. Entrepreneurial Leadership. 3 Credits.

Experiential course suitable for students aiming for leadership roles in an existing organization or for those who want to launch a new venture. Prerequisites: BUS 2300; Business Administration, Engineering Management major, Business Administration minor, Sports Management minor by permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2370. Business Law I. 3 Credits.

Concepts of law as related to business, including law of contracts, sales, bailments, and negotiable instruments, business and laws of agency, partnerships, and corporations. This course is not a prerequisite for BUS 2380. Prerequisites: BUS 1110, BUS 1101, ECON 1400, or ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-; Business major or minor; Law & Society minors by permission; minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 2380. Business Law II. 3 Credits.

Concepts of law as related to business, including law of contracts, sales, bailment, and negotiable instruments, business and law agency, partnerships, and corporations. BUS 2370 is not a prerequisite for BUS 2380. Prerequisites: BUS 1110, BUS 1101, ECON 1400, or ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-; Business major or minor; Law & Society minors by permission; minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 2385. Real Estate Law. 3 Credits.

Provides an understanding of basic concepts of the laws that apply to the purchase, development, lease, management, and transfer of real property. Prerequisites: ECON 1400, ECON 1450, both with a minimum grade of C- ; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 2432. Political Envir of Business. 3 Credits.

Explore the rationale for government interaction with business. Analyze (1) business, and the broader society's demand for public policy, as well as (2) the political institutions that supply public policy in both domestic and international contexts. Prerequisites: ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration, Engineering Management, Computer Science & Information Systems major; Business Administration minor.

BUS 2500. Marketing Management. 3 Credits.

The place of marketing in our economy. Analysis of the market structure by function, institutions, and commodities. Consumer and organizational activities reviewed. Prerequisites: ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-; STAT 1410 or STAT 2430 with a minimum grade of C-, or PSYS 2002 with a minimum grade of C- and PSYS 2010 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration, Computer Science & Information Systems, Engineering Management majors; Business Administration minor; Sports Management minor with Instructor permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2620. Managerial Accounting. 3 Credits.

Introduction to use of accounting for planning, cost behavior, budgeting, analysis, and decision making. Prerequisites: BUS 1610 with a minimum grade of C-; ECON 1450 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration, Engineering Management, Dietetics, Nutrition and Food Sciences, Computer Science & Information Systems major, Business Administration, Accounting minor by permission; minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 2640. Individual Taxation. 3 Credits.

Highlights federal income tax concepts and rules applicable to individuals. Examines how the federal tax system accounts for items of income and expense in computing taxable income, considering both personal and business transactions. Prerequisites: BUS 1610 and BUS 2620; Business Administration majors; Accounting and Business Administration minors; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2700. Operations Management. 3 Credits.

Introduces decisions related to the design, management, and improvement of activities that create and deliver a firm's products and services. Prerequisites: BUS 2130 with a minimum grade of C-, BUS 1610 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration, Engineering Management, Computer Science & Information Systems major, or Business Administration minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2744. Database Management. 3 Credits.

Covers the foundational knowledge of how databases are designed, built, and optimized for performance. Students will work with an enterprise database platform to understand how commercially available database products are used in the modern enterprise. Prerequisites: BUS 1140 with a minimum grade of C-, or BUS 2740; Business Administration, Engineering Management, Computer Science & Information Systems major, Business Administration minor by permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2747. Green IT & Virtualization. 3 Credits.

Analyzes the environmental, managerial, and economic benefits of emerging IT platforms for data center, systems continuity, remote workforce, and e-waste management. Prerequisites: BUS 1140 with a minimum grade of C-, or BUS 2740; Business Administration, Engineering Management, Computer Science & Information Systems major; Business Administration minor by permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2748. Bus. Driven Decision Making. 3 Credits.

Using Microsoft Excel and Tableau software, students will solve realistic business scenarios in areas related to finance, accounting, production and operations, sales and marketing, producing interactive data visualizations focused on business intelligence. Prerequisite: BUS 1140 with a minimum grade of C-, or BUS 2740 or CS 1210; Business Administration or Computer Science and Information Systems Majors, Business Administration minors; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2792. Business Process Improvement. 3 Credits.

Familiarizes students with the basic conceptual issues of continuously improving business processes to compete more effectively on quality, time, and cost. Prerequisites: BUS 1140, BUS 2740, or CS 1210; Business Administration, Engineering Management, Computer Science & Information Systems major; Business Administration minor by permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2800. Managerial Finance. 3 Credits.

The financial function in the corporation. Techniques for evaluating current use of resources and proposed resource acquisitions or dispositions. Prerequisites: BUS 1610 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration, Computer Science & Information Systems, Engineering Management majors, or Business Administration minor; minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 2810. Intermediate Financial Mgmt. 3 Credits.

Examines key areas of financial decision making. With cases and problems, issues such as capital budgeting, leasing, mergers, and acquisitions examined. Prerequisites: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

Specialized or experimental courses offered as resources permit. Prerequisite: Business Administration major or minor; Minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2991. Internship. 1-18 Credits.

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion. Prerequisites: Concurrent internship; Instructor permission.

BUS 2993. Independent Study. 1-18 Credits.

Tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion. Prerequisites: Business Administration major; Instructor permission; Minimum Junior standing.

BUS 2994. Teaching Assistantship. 1-3 Credits.

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory-level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

BUS 2995. Undergraduate Research. 1-18 Credits.

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

BUS 2996. Honors Rsch Methods Seminar. 1-6 Credits.

Prepares students for thesis requirement. Upon completion, students will be fully versed in the research process and understand different research methodologies. Prerequisites: Honors College Business Administration student; Junior standing.

BUS 3102. Prof. Development Series III. 1 Credit.

Seminar series focusing on engagement and professional development with a focus on transitioning from University life to the work world. Prerequisites: BUS 2102; Business Administration major; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3330. Tech, Entr & Commercialization. 3 Credits.

Provides future business and technology professionals with insights into the processes of transferring research from the university to the marketplace, and transforming new technologies into sustainable products or services that create new economic, social and environmental value. Prerequisites: BUS 2500 or EMGT 3051; Business Administration major or minor; Computer Science and Information Systems major; Engineering Management major; others by permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3350. Entrepreneurial Family Firms. 3 Credits.

Students will learn to work effectively in and with family enterprises - the predominant organizational form in the world. By understanding their unique advantages and challenges, students will learn to develop strategic solutions to improve the family and business performance. Prerequisites: BUS 2300; Business Administration, Engineering Management major; Business Administration minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3360. Integrated Product Dev. 3 Credits.

Project-based course focusing on the entire product life cycle. Team dynamics, process and product design, quality, materials, management, and environmentally-conscious manufacturing. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Cross-listed with: ME 3060.

BUS 3442. International Management. 3 Credits.

Exploration of international business environments and management issues corporations encounter in these environments. Topics include cross-cultural differences, international corporate strategy and structure, cross-cultural communication, negotiation, and human resource management. Prerequisites: BUS 2300; minimum Junior standing; Business Administration major or minor. Catamount Core: D2.

BUS 3490. Ethics & Social Resp in Mgt. 3 Credits.

Engages students in reflections on the role and purpose of business organizations in society and questions the sense of human action in these business organizations in order to face future global challenges in a socially responsible and sustainable way. Prerequisites: BUS 1110 or BUS 2300; Business Administration majors; Business Administration minors with Instructor permission; minimum Sophomore standing.

BUS 3510. Marketing Research. 3 Credits.

The role of research in a marketing information framework. Emphasis on survey research, data collection, and analysis. Experimental designs also examined. Prerequisites: BUS 2500; Business Administration major or minor; Senior or Graduate standing.

BUS 3530. Consumer Behavior. 3 Credits.

Exploration and analysis of research evidence from marketing and behavioral science relevant to a theory of consumer behavior. Emphasis also given to research methodologies. Prerequisites: BUS 2500; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3550. Digital Marketing. 3 Credits.

Teaches the ways in which digital tools and multiple platforms have created a wide range of marketing options for organizations. Theoretical strategy, professional engagements, and hands-on practice will illustrate the strategic reasons for utilizing digital marketing and how to use the tools most effectively. Prerequisites: BUS 2500; Business Administration majors or minors; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3552. Marketing Research Practicum. 3 Credits.

Market research field project. Students design survey instruments, collect and analyze data, and present results to clients in a business environment. Prerequisites: BUS 3510; Business Administration major or minor; Instructor permission; Minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3554. Services Marketing. 3 Credits.

Provides an understanding of what is required to develop and market a successful service to a selected target market. Subject matter includes marketing in service organizations, differences between product marketing and service marketing, the service components of product marketing, and drivers of competitive advantage in service organizations. Prerequisites: BUS 2500; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3555. Marketing Communications. 3 Credits.

Emphasizes the coordination of advertising and sales promotion into cohesive promotional programs. Stresses the need to integrate promotional activity into the overall marketing strategy. Prerequisites: BUS 2500; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3560. Retail Management. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview of retail management. Key perspectives that shape the field including strategic planning, merchandising, and competitive advantage are emphasized. Prerequisites: BUS 2500; Business Administration major or minor; Master of Accountancy Graduate Students; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3580. Intn'l Market Analysis. 3 Credits.

Examines the cultural, economic, historic, and political factors that affect the analysis of foreign markets. Specific attention is given to the processes by which market entry decisions are developed and implemented. Prerequisites: BUS 2500, Business Administration major or minor; Minimum Junior standing. Catamount Core: D2.

BUS 3590. Sustainable Marketing. 3 Credits.

Engenders an appreciation for the twin global challenges of global poverty and environmental sustainability and delves deeper into what businesses can do to respond to these challenges. Prerequisites: BUS 2500; Business Administration major or minor; Senior standing.

BUS 3610. Corporate Financial Reporting1. 3 Credits.

Study of how corporations account for and present the results of their financial activities. Emphasizes accounting for assets, current liabilities, and the related revenue and expenses. Provides overview of the four primary financial statements and accompanying notes. Prerequisites: BUS 1610, BUS 2620, both with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration major; Business Administration or Accounting minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3611. Corporate Financial Reporting2. 3 Credits.

Continuation of Corporate Financial Reporting1, with emphasis on accounting and reporting of liabilities, owners' equity and related effect on income determination of an enterprise. Prerequisites: BUS 3610; Business Administration major, Business Administration or Accounting minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3615. Financial Statement Analysis. 3 Credits.

Study of the concepts and techniques underlying corporate financial statement analysis, with an emphasis on equity valuation models. Prerequisites: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor; Senior standing.

BUS 3620. Adv Topics in Management Acctg. 3 Credits.

Emphasizes use of internal and external information in management decision making; includes cost of inventory, business activities, strategic use of information, long-range planning. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisites: BUS 3610 or BUS 2800; Business Administration major, Business Administration, Accounting minor; Senior standing.

BUS 3643. Taxation of Social Enterprises. 3 Credits.

Explores the balance that organizations try to achieve between the for-profit (business) and nonprofit (charitable) separation of the tax world. Prerequisites: BUS 3610 or BUS 2800; Business Administration majors, Business Administration or Accounting minors, Master of Accountancy Graduate Students; Senior standing.

BUS 3660. Accounting Information Systems. 3 Credits.

Examination of how accounting information is collected, stored and made available to decision makers with an emphasis on internal control implementation. Prerequisites: BUS 3610; Senior standing; Business Administration major, Master of Accountancy student, Business Administration minor, Accounting minor.

BUS 3700. Quant Anyl for Managerial Dec. 3 Credits.

Application of management science methods to managerial decision making, emphasizing modeling and use of solution results. Topics include mathematical programming, waiting-line analysis, and computer simulation. Prerequisites: C- or better in BUS 2130, BUS 2700; Business Administration major or minor; Engineering Management major, Master of Accountancy Graduate student; other majors by Instructor permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3730. Supply Chain Management. 3 Credits.

Explores how firms can organize supply chains to more effectively align supply with the demand for products. Prerequisites: BUS 2700; Business Administration major or minor; Engineering Management major, or Graduate Master of Accountancy student; minimum Junior standing or graduate standing; other majors or minors by Instructor permission.

BUS 3800. Green Mountain Investment Fund. 1 Credit.

Involves practical and real time operation of an investment fund. Covers the steps necessary to fill a role as an analyst or portfolio manager of a traditional long-only money management operation. May repeated with Instructor permission; only counts once toward Business Administration major or minor. Prerequisites: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3810. Fixed Income Security Analysis. 3 Credits.

Focuses on the valuation and analysis of fixed income securities and the management of fixed income investment portfolios. Prerequisites: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor, Master of Accountancy Graduate student; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3820. Security Val & Portfolio Mgmt. 3 Credits.

Examination of theories and evidence on the investment decision process including operations of equity securities markets, market efficiency, financial asset prices, and portfolio management. Prerequisites: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; STAT 1410, STAT 2430, or PSYS 2002 and PSYS 2010 with a minimum grade of a C-; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3830. International Finance Mgmt. 3 Credits.

Theories and practices of international financial management examined. Topics investigated include: systems of international exchange, spot and forward markets, and expropriation and exchange risk. Prerequisites: ECON 1400 with a minimum grade of C-; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3840. Free Markets & Free Enterprise. 3 Credits.

Study of level and structure of interest rates and characteristics of financial institutions and markets. Topics include market vs. natural rate of interest, interest rate structure, behavior of interest rates. Prerequisites: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3850. Options and Futures. 3 Credits.

Financial derivatives - options, futures, and swaps. Topics include: structures of the markets for exchange traded and over - THE counter derivatives, identification and exploitation of arbitrage opportunities, use and misuse of derivatives to hedge risk in both financial and product markets. Prerequisite: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3860. Financial Tech and Analytics. 3 Credits.

Provides a broad understanding of the financial technology landscape, including topics like: payment systems, lending platforms, robo-advising, cryptocurrency and blockchain, insurance and real estate technology, crowdfunding and artificial intelligence, and customer relationship management. Prerequisites: BUS 2130 with a minimum grade of C-; BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3890. Real Estate Finance. 3 Credits.

This course is an introduction of real estate finance and investments. Topics include urban economics, appraisal, investment value analysis, financing, and development. Prerequisites: BUS 2800 with a minimum grade of C; Business Administration major or minor; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 3990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

Advanced courses on topics beyond the scope of existing departmental offerings. See Schedule of Courses for specific titles and prerequisites. Prerequisite: Senior Business Administration major or minor.

BUS 3991. Internship. 1-18 Credits.

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion. Prerequisite: BUS 2991; concurrent internship, Instructor permission.

BUS 3993. Independent Study. 1-18 Credits.

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

BUS 3994. Teaching Assistantship. 1-3 Credits.

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory-level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

BUS 3995. Undergraduate Research. 1-18 Credits.

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

BUS 4880. Wall Street Seminar. 3 Credits.

Application of financial theory to stock/bond valuation, credit analysis, security underwriting, or risk management. Students will complete projects assigned by major financial service firms. May be repeated; only counts once toward Business Administration major or minor. Prerequisites: BUS 2810; Business Administration major or minor and Instructor permission; minimum Junior standing.

BUS 4900. Strategic Theme Capstone. 3 Credits.

Integrative, capstone course concerned with issues and decisions facing senior management. Three thematic areas are available: Entrepreneurship, Global Business, Sustainable Business. Title will change based on Theme and students can only earn repeated created when taking sections with different titles. Prerequisites: BUS 2150, BUS 2300, BUS 2500, BUS 2700, BUS 2800.

BUS 4910. Entrepreneurship Capstone. 3 Credits.

Integrative, capstone course concerned with issues and decisions facing senior management in the thematic area of Entrepreneurship. Prerequisites: BUS 2150 with a minimum grade of C-, BUS 2300, BUS 2500, BUS 2700, BUS 2800; Business Administration majors only; Senior standing.

BUS 4920. Global Business Strategic Cap. 3 Credits.

Integrative, capstone course concerned with issues and decisions facing senior management in the thematic area of Global Business. Prerequisites: BUS 2150 with a minimum grade of C-, BUS 2300, BUS 2500, BUS 2700, BUS 2800; Business Administration majors only; Senior standing.

BUS 4930. Sustainable Bus Strategic Cap. 3 Credits.

Integrative, capstone course concerned with issues and decisions facing senior management in the thematic area of Sustainable Business. Prerequisites: BUS 2150 with a minimum grade of C-, BUS 2300, BUS 2500, BUS 2700, BUS 2800; Business Administration majors only; Senior standing.

BUS 4990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

BUS 4996. Business Admin Honors Thesis. 1-6 Credits.

Honors thesis dealing with business administration topics. Honors College students only. Prerequisites: BUS 2996; Senior standing; Business Administration Honors College student.